CLSI will assist each our clients with the process of submitting and receving Notice of Intent or NOI approval from the Maryland Department of Environment by preparing and submitting the required e-Permit.

Projects that disturb one or more acres of earth must apply for either a General or Individual Permit for Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity, and obtain coverage under that permit before beginning earth disturbance on any part of the project. All projects may apply for a general permit unless the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has indicated that an individual permit is required.


Application Process for CLSI Clients:

Upon CLSI’s completion of the NPDES NOI, the client will receive an email from Maryland Department of the Environment. The email will contain a link to the MDE e-Permits log in page. At this point the client will create their own MDE e-Permit account by following the link in the email.  They will then receive an email asking for verification of the email address provided.

The client will then log into the MDE e-Permits site and will be taken to “Account Home” which will display the NOI. Upon clicking “edit notice of intent” the client will be taken to the “Review” section of the permit where they will verify the information entered by CLSI.

At the bottom of this page there will be a button to “Proceed to Certify”. The client will then click on the option “I am the Responsible Person Named on this Notice” and then fill out their name in the box provided.

Finally the client will click “Certify and Pay” and they will be taken to the payment page where they will pay either by credit card or electronic check.


Application Information:

CLSI requires the following information to prepare and submit the permit application.  If we did not prepare the construction plans, additional information may be required.

    Project Information

    Project Name (required):

    CLSI Job Number:

    Project Manager Name:

    Responsible Person (All fields Required)

    First Name:

    Last Name:




    Stree Address:



    Zip Code:

    Contact Person (This may be the same as the responsible person)

    Same as the Responsible Person

    First Name:

    Last Name:




    Stree Address:



    Zip Code:

    Responsible Agent for the Corporation (This may be the same as the responsible person or contact person)

    Same as the Responsible PersonSame as the Contact Person

    First Name:

    Last Name:




    Stree Address:



    Zip Code:

    Other Required Information (All fields Required)

    Federal Tax ID Number:

    Workers Compensation Coverage Name of Provider:

    Workers Compensation Coverage Policy/Binder Number: